Physical Fitness
We will understand your current physical activity and fitness levels initially. Then our coaches are going to introduce you to simple daily tasks like walking, slow jogging, interval training, mobility, and strength training.
80% of our clients have been able to see fantastic results even with home-based workouts. However, we leave the choice to you as to where you would like to exercise. Our fitness program will be customized at your convenience.
The duration of a workout can differ from person to person. If someone has been sedentary or has some sort of physical limitations, we prescribe them to just start with light walks and then progress every week.
Our coaches will monitor you daily by asking you to update your daily activity. We will also keep track of your daily and weekly progress in your exercise. In case you are new to workouts and do not know how to perform them, then we can also share easy-to-follow videos or schedule a video call to teach you the exercises with one of our experts.
Most of our clients have a feeling that they have changed nothing in their lifestyle but yet gained weight. However, when we dig deeper, we realize that earlier in their life they were quite active and now due to a busy work life or household chores, they have given up on their walks, gym, or yoga.
It’s important, that we carefully assess what’s your current fitness level and then plan a customized program that you can easily apply.
We believe that every body transformation whether weight loss or reversal of any disease like diabetes or hypertension etc needs 100% effort in physical fitness.
Muscle building is the primary goal when it comes to physical fitness. Fat loss is often confused with weight loss. However, there is a thin line between them. If you focus on fat loss and muscle building, you will observe long-lasting results. Your weight scale is just a partial mirror of what is happening within the body.
We want to educate our clients that inch loss or fat loss needs to be celebrated. However, the focus should be equally divided between the other parameters like diet, inflammation, and sleep management.
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